In 2022 we were managing multiple projects, published three articles on artificial intelligence (AI), and moved forward with our serious game—The Project Win Game™.

Our project work was very interesting, fulfilling, and challenging in 2022. We had very diverse multi-national, multi-disciplinary teams. In one project, we had a good laugh comparing United States and European vacation and holiday schedules and hiring practices. The Soccer world cup introduced a fun element of competition. For example, in another project, team members from Portugal, France, Germany/Switzerland, America, Belgium, and the Netherlands could joke (or cry) about the latest state of the competition.
We can again confirm that project success is measured by how the project benefits the client. The budget and time are constraints that need to be efficiently managed. The definition of quality is relative to time when it is evaluated; it is assessed and evaluated differently for different stakeholders.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Articles
The articles we published were all about artificial intelligence projects: success factors, stakeholders, and accountability. Here, we considered the impact of the actions of project participants on society and the environment. In summary, project sponsors, project managers, & team members implementing AI systems are moral agents accountable for the harms (minor to serious, intentional or unintentional) or benefits of the systems they develop.

AI projects need:
- Clear scope
- Passive stakeholder representation
- Specialized, diverse team
- Ethic practices
- Systematic record-keeping

Should avoid:
- Moral hazards with suppliers
- Black box designs
- Moral buffers in decision-making
Must protect:

- Data & Privacy
- Financial & legal interests
- Human & civil rights
- The environment
You can find the open-source version of the articles here:
Stakeholder-Accountability Model for Artificial Intelligence Projects
Stakeholder Roles in Artificial Intelligence Projects
Artificial Intelligence Project Success Factors—Beyond the Ethical Principles
Serious Games

And, last but not least, we moved from a prototype to a production version of our serious game: The Project Win Game™. The game allows teams to experience the differences and similarities between traditional/waterfall and agile project methodologies. We were able to present the game at the European Conference on Games-Based Learning in Lisbon, Portugal.
Next year, our goal will be to continue our project work and expand our services to offer more project management consulting and workshops using the game as a basis.
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